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Rwandan Cuisine


This dish features cassava leaves cooked with ground peanuts, onions, and sometimes meat or fish. It's a staple in Rwandan households and is often served with a side of ugali or rice. 1)


These are skewers of grilled meat, usually goat, beef, or chicken, marinated in spices. They are commonly served at street food stalls and bars. 2)

Ugali (or Kawunga)

A type of maize porridge, ugali is a fundamental part of many meals in Rwanda. It's served as a side dish with meats, vegetables, or stews. 3)


A traditional dish made from steamed and mashed green bananas, often cooked with onions, garlic, tomatoes, and sometimes meat. It's a comforting and filling meal. 4)


This dish consists of steamed or boiled plantains, which can be served as a side dish or main meal, often accompanied by beans or stews. 5)


Ibihaza is a dish made from pumpkin chunks cooked with beans and sometimes flavored with ground peanuts or spices. It's hearty and nutritious. 6)


A traditional Rwandan fermented milk drink, similar to yogurt. It’s often consumed as a refreshing beverage and is known for its probiotic benefits. 7)


Often considered a delicacy, akabenz is grilled pork, usually marinated and seasoned before being cooked. It’s particularly popular at social gatherings and celebrations. 8)


These are small fried fish from Lake Kivu, often enjoyed as a snack or appetizer. They are typically seasoned and deep-fried until crispy. 9)


A dish made from sweet potatoes, which are boiled and mashed. It's often served as a side dish with meats or stews. 10)


Similar to sambaza, these are fried silver fish from Lake Kivu, usually served with a spicy sauce and enjoyed as a snack or side dish. 11)


A traditional dish made from boiled cassava and maize flour, similar to ugali but with a different texture and flavor profile. 12)

Inyama y'Inka

Beef stew cooked with tomatoes, onions, and various spices. It’s a flavorful and hearty dish, often served with rice or potatoes. 13)


Fried plantains that are often served as a side dish or snack. They are sweet and slightly caramelized, making them a delicious treat. 14)


A traditional Rwandan banana beer, made from fermented bananas and sorghum. It’s a popular beverage during social gatherings and celebrations. 15)

rwandan_cuisine.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/17 01:40 by aga