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Northwest Territories Cuisine

Arctic Char

A cold-water fish found in Northwest Territories, Arctic char is popular for its delicate flavor. It's prepared in various ways, including smoking, grilling, and pan-frying. 1)

Caribou Meat

Caribou is a staple in Northwest Territories' indigenous cuisine. The meat is lean and is used in stews, roasts, and sausages. 2)

Musk ox

Musk ox is a game meat prized for its tenderness and flavor. It's often prepared as steaks, roasts, or used in sausages. 3)


Commonly found in the region's lakes and rivers, whitefish is enjoyed in Northwest Territories, often smoked or grilled. 4)

Bison Burgers

Bison meat, leaner than beef, is used to make flavorful burgers, reflecting the abundance of bison in the region. 5)

Frybread Tacos

Inspired by indigenous traditions, frybread tacos feature a flatbread that's deep-fried and topped with savory ingredients like meat, lettuce, and cheese. 6)


Bannock, a versatile bread, is a common staple in Northwest Territories. It can be baked, fried, or cooked over an open flame and is often served with toppings. 7)

Spruce Tip Syrup

Made from the tips of spruce trees, spruce tip syrup is used as a sweetener in various dishes and beverages. 8)

Rose Hip Jelly

Harvested from wild roses, rose hips are used to make flavorful jelly. It's often enjoyed on toast or as a condiment. 9)

Labrador Tea

Labrador tea is an herbal infusion made from the leaves of the Labrador tea plant, enjoyed for its aromatic qualities and potential health benefits. 10)

Smoked Fish Chowder

A hearty soup made with smoked fish, potatoes, and vegetables, smoked fish chowder is a comforting and flavorful dish. 11)

Sour Cherry Soup

Sour cherries are foraged in Northwest Territories and used to make a unique and tangy soup, often enjoyed as a dessert. 12)

Morel Mushrooms

Morel mushrooms are found in the region and are foraged for their earthy flavor. They are used in various dishes, including soups and sautés. 13)

Mushroom Pies

With a diverse range of wild mushrooms available, mushroom pies are a popular dish in the Northwest Territories, featuring a mix of foraged fungi. 14)

Pickled Fish

Pickling is a traditional preservation method, and pickled fish is a common dish in the region, often served with bread or crackers. 15)

northwest_territories_cuisine.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/18 01:03 by aga