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The Karakorum has its origins in 1220 when it was founded by Genghis Khan on the site of a former military base. In 1234, the great khan Ugedej made the Karakorum the capital of the Mongol Empire. In 1264 Khan Kubilai moved the capital to Zhongdu (Beijing), henceforth called Khanbalyk - the City of the Khan. In 1388 the Karakorum was captured and partially destroyed by Chinese troops. As part of the scenic landscape of the Orkhon Valley, the ruins of Karakorum were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. 1)

Coldest state capital

Thanks to its location at about 4,300 ft above sea level, hundreds of miles from any coastline, and the influence of the Siberian highlands on the city, Ulaanbaatar is the coldest state capital in the world. The average annual temperature here is 31.3 °F, similar to Nuuk, but Greenland is not an independent state. 2)

Deer stones

Deer stones are rock blocks found mainly in Siberia and Mongolia that depict images of animals flying to the sky, mostly reindeer and deer. The first deer stones were probably created in the mid-Bronze Age in central Mongolia. About 1,200 stones have been identified so far, 550 of them in Mongolia. Despite archaeological research, still little is known about their history, purpose, and socio-cultural functions. 3)

5000 mastiffs

The record for the number of dogs owned belongs to Kubilai Khan. The grandson of Genghis Khan, the fifth great Mongolian Khan, and the first emperor of China from the Yuan dynasty. His court was visited by Marco Polo. He owned five thousand Mastiff dogs used for hunting and war. 4)

Vertical script

The traditional vertical writing dates back to the times of the Mongol Empire and functioned until 1946 when the Cyrillic script was introduced. However, for several years it has been restored and taught in schools. 5)

mongolia.1628496605.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/09 03:10 by aga