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jbl [2021/08/06 03:46]
jbl [2021/09/20 13:09] (current)
rapidplatypus [Cabaret]
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 ==== Highest-end speakers ==== ==== Highest-end speakers ====
-JBL, an audio company, makes some of the highest-end speakers and audio products from small Bluetooth speakers to cars, nightclubsand even studios. It was founded by the American audio and speaker designer James Bullough Lansing who set up two audio company names, Altec Lansing and JBL, the latter from his initials. [([[|behringer-electric]])]+JBL, an audio company, makes some of the highest-end speakers and audio productsfrom small Bluetooth speakers to cars, nightclubs and even studios. The company was founded by the American audio and speaker designer James Bullough Lansingwho set up two audio company names, Altec Lansing and JBL, the latter formed from his initials. [([[|behringer-electric]])]
 ==== 4" Diaphragm Driver ==== ==== 4" Diaphragm Driver ====
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 ==== 4435 ==== ==== 4435 ====
-The first Bi-Radial studio screen, the 4435, was introduced in 1981 by the company for studio recorders. [([[|Audioheritage]])]+The first bi-radial studio screen, the 4435, was introduced in 1981 by the company for studio recorders. [([[|Audioheritage]])]
 ==== High Frequency Diaphragm ==== ==== High Frequency Diaphragm ====
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 ==== Cabaret ==== ==== Cabaret ====
-JBL introduced a series of speakers named Cabaret that was widely recognized by the company as the first full line of portable PA systems for music and music stores. The speakers were not only well-known among musicians but also used in numerous clubs, churchesand more. [([[|Audioheritage]])]+JBL introduced a series of speakers named Cabaret that was widely recognized by the company as the first full line of portable PA systems for music and music stores. The speakers were not only well-known among musicians but also used in numerous clubs, churches and more. [([[|Audioheritage]])]
 {{tag>music business enterprise}} {{tag>music business enterprise}}
jbl.1628239564.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/06 03:46 by aga