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Control Fire And Ice

The capacity to control fire and ice in order to cook and preserve food aided mankind in the development of new technologies and advancements.1)

Smoke Kills

Every year, smoke, primarily from indoor cooking fires, kills around 1.5 million people in the poor countries.2)

Women More Vulnerable In History

Women have historically been the most exposed to the hazards of cooking, particularly because they frequently wore billowing skirts and long sleeves over open flames.3)

First Evidence Of Cooking

Cooking with fire or heat is an exclusively human activity. While archeological evidence for cooking dates back only 1 million years.4)

Industrial Revolution

The industrial revolution forever altered cooking. Food could be mass-produced, standardized, and mass-marketed.5)

Place Of Violence

Kitchens, according to historians, are a hotbed of violence. People are frequently burnt, disfigured, frozen, and, in particular, cut.6)

Grilling May Cause Cancer

Grilling food may increase the risk of cancer. Charred meat can harm DNA and genetic material, causing mutations that lead to cancer.7)

Chef Wears White

A chef is generally dressed in white since the chef of France's first prime minister (1815) felt that white was the most sanitary of all colors.8)

Chefs Dressed Like Monks

When the Byzantine Empire invaded Greece in 146 BC, Greek cooks fled to surrounding monasteries and dressed like monks, donning huge stove-top hats.9)


The pleats of a chef's hat not only convey a sense of fashion and professionalism, but they also traditionally indicated the number of recipes a cook had learned. As a result, a cook with 100 pleats may have learned 100 distinct methods to boil an egg.10)

Chef's Hat Height

The taller the chef's cap, the more important or knowledgeable a cook was historically. Most chef hats today are 9-12 inches tall.11)

Fear Of Vegetables

Lachanophobia is the fear of vegetables.12)

Rise Of Fast Food

Fast food's popularity and the lack of cooking have harmed family meals and raised obesity rates.13)

Eating Bugs

Eating bugs (also known as entomophagy) is the standard across the world. They are consumed for their high protein content, enticing crunchiness, and flavor.14)

Before Cookware

Prior to the invention of cookware approximately 24,000 BC, people depended on foraged shells or animal pieces to preserve and transport food.15)

cooking.1668579218.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/11/16 00:13 by eziothekilla34