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Zika Virus

Flaviviridae family

Zika virus (ZIKV) belongs to the Flaviviridae family (known as flaviviruses), which also includes other pathogenic pathogens such as yellow fever virus and dengue virus. 1)

First appearance

It first appeared in Uganda most likely between 1892 and 1943 in various species of monkeys. Replication of the virus took place in mosquito → monkey → mosquito cycles, and in 1951 the first human cases were found. 2)


Since May 2015, an increase in cases has been observed primarily in South America, Central America, and the Caribbean. In the European part of the globe, isolated cases of the virus have been detected in Spain, Germany, France, and Austria. The infections involved people who temporarily stayed in areas endemic to the pathogen and then returned to their place of residence. 3)

Zika free

Poland is considered to be free of the virus, although in earlier years there were reports of several people returning from foreign travel being infected. 4)

No vaccine

Currently, there is no vaccine or drug prophylaxis to prevent Zika virus. 5)


Zika virus infections are most often mild. Up to 80% of cases can be asymptomatic. The disease is accompanied by flu-like symptoms: usually moderate fever, headaches, muscles or joints, ocular pains, conjunctivitis, itchy papular rash. Zika symptoms usually occur a few days after a mosquito bite (generally 3-12 days) and usually do not last more than a week. Many people may not realize they have been infected. Diagnosis is based mainly on the clinical picture. To confirm infection, PCR testing can be performed during the viral load period (the first 3-5 days after the onset of disease symptoms). From about day 5, specific antibodies appear in the blood, but serological diagnosis can be difficult due to the occurrence of cross-reactions. 6)


Treatment is purely symptomatic. Usually, there is the spontaneous resolution of symptoms without complications. 7)

zika_virus.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/28 08:43 by aga