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Prey is an American science fiction horror action film released in 2022. It is based on the Predator series. It is the franchise's fifth installment. Prey is a prequel to the first four films in the series.1)

Time And Location

It takes place in the Northern Great Plains of North America in 1719.2)

Director And Writer

Dan Trachtenberg directed the film, which was written by Patrick Aison.3)


Amber Midthunder, Dakota Beavers, Michelle Thrush, Stormee Kipp, Julian Black Antelope, Bennett Taylor, and Dane DiLiegro appear in the film.4)


Naru, a skilled Comanche warrior, protects her tribe from a humanoid alien who hunts humans for sport, fighting the wilderness and fur traders to keep her people safe.5)


The film's development began during the production of The Predator (2018). 6)


Trachtenberg and Aison approached producer John Davis with a concept they had been working on since 2016. The film's title was revealed to be the codename for the franchise's fifth installment in late 2020.7)

prey.1660797819.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/08/17 23:43 by eziothekilla34