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Chiclephobia is the fear of chewing gum. 1)


Arachibutyrophobia deriving from Greek words “arachi” for “peanut” and “butyr” for butter is fear of being choked by peanut butter. Specifically speaking it means a fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. 2)


Alektorophobia is a fear of chickens. Symptoms vary from person to person but they always include anxiety and happen both when exposed to chickens but also when just thinking about them. 3)


Thalassophobia is a very strong and overwhelming fear of bodies of water like lakes, seas, and oceans. It shouldn't be mistaken with aquaphobia which is the fear of water itself.4)

phobias.1606825537.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/01 06:25 by aga