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CO2 attracts mosquitoes

Broad-shouldered, taller people produce more CO2 and lactic acid, which attracts mosquitoes (not “sweet blood” as most think). The carbon dioxide trails from our breath are like “highways” on which mosquitoes head to their destination. 1)

Short life span

Even if no predator gets these insects, they still have a short life span. The average lifespan of a male is about 10 days, while females can live six to eight weeks. 2)

Deadliest insects on Earth

Mosquitoes are the deadliest insects on Earth due to mosquito-borne viruses (such as West Nile Virus, which causes severe fever) and parasites that cause malaria. This is a huge problem, especially in Africa and tropical countries. It is estimated that about 1 million people worldwide die from malaria each year. 3)

Great sense of smell

Mosquitoes have a highly-developed odor detection system. 4)

Males feed on flowers

Only female mosquitoes feed on human blood. Food for male mosquitoes is plant juices and nectar from flowers. 5)

Don't like wind

Mosquitoes do not like windy weather because it makes it difficult for them to sniff out prey. 6)

mosquitoes.1632763529.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/27 12:25 by rapidplatypus