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kangaroo_mouse [2020/12/03 04:09]
kangaroo_mouse [2021/08/09 02:20] (current)
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 ==== Native to Nevada ==== ==== Native to Nevada ====
-The kangaroo mouse, despite the name, is a species native to the Nevada desert in the USA. The "Australian" name comes from the animal's jumping ability and its habit of moving on two feet. Kangaroo mouse also adapted to living in a very dry area by deriving water metabolically from the seeds it eats. [([[|Wikipedia]])]+The kangaroo mouse, despite the name, is a species native to the Nevada desert in the USA. The "Australian" name comes from the animal's jumping ability and its habit of moving on two feet. The kangaroo mouse also adapted to living in a very dry area by deriving water metabolically from the seeds it eats. [([[|Animal Diversity]])]
 ==== Pale kangaroo mouse ==== ==== Pale kangaroo mouse ====
-Pale kangaroo mouse is one of two species of kangaroo mouse and is considered to be one of the most uncommon species of nocturnal desert-dwelling rodents. [([[]])]+Pale kangaroo mouse is one of two species of kangaroo mouse and is considered to be one of the most uncommon species of nocturnal desert-dwelling rodents. [([[|US National Library of Medicine]])]
 ==== Dark kangaroo mouse ==== ==== Dark kangaroo mouse ====
-The dark kangaroo mouse species is native to the west of the United States. They live in loose sand and gravels It is listed as "Least Concern" on the Red List because it is relatively widespread, although there has been a decline in its population due to modern agriculture. [([[]])]+The dark kangaroo mouse species is native to the western United States. They live in loose sand and gravel. The species is listed as "Least Concern" on the Red List because it is relatively widespread, although there has been a decline in its population due to modern agriculture. [([[|Britannica]])] 
 +{{tag>fauna biology nature geography}}
kangaroo_mouse.1606990190.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/03 04:09 by aga