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j.r.r._tolkien [2021/09/20 12:15]
rapidplatypus [Army life]
j.r.r._tolkien [2021/09/20 12:25] (current)
rapidplatypus [Tolkien Reading Day]
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 ==== Just one book ==== ==== Just one book ====
-"The Lord of the Rings" is one closed story, so Tolkien wanted to publish it as one book. Because of its excessive volume, publishers forced him to split the story into three volumes. The price of paper rose dramatically during the war, so splitting the book made it easier to publish. It was also commercial each volume could be bought at the right price. [([[|TOR]])]+"The Lord of the Rings" is one closed story, so Tolkien wanted to publish it as one book. Because of its excessive length, publishers forced him to split the story into three volumes. The price of paper rose dramatically during the war, so splitting the book made it easier to publish. It was also commercial — each volume could be bought for a lower price. [([[|TOR]])]
 ==== A poet ==== ==== A poet ====
-Tolkien is widely known as the creator of the story of Middle-earth, namely "The Lord of the Rings," "The Hobbit," and "The Silmarillion." Like another prominent 20th-century fantasy writer, H.P. Lovecraft, Tolkien began with poetry and never really parted with it. His first surviving poems date from 1911. [([[|Biography]])]+Tolkien is widely known as the creator of the story of Middle-earth, namely "The Lord of the Rings," "The Hobbit" and "The Silmarillion." Like another prominent 20th-century fantasy writer, H.P. Lovecraft, Tolkien began with poetry and never really parted with it. His first surviving poems are dated 1911. [([[|Biography]])]
 ==== A polyglot ==== ==== A polyglot ====
-Tolkien was a polyglot he knew over thirty languages. In a letter to his son in 1944, he wrote that he also learned Polish, but could not use it fluently. His linguistic abilities helped him create his fictional languages, which were used by the characters in his novels. [([[|History Collection]])]+Tolkien was a polyglot — he knew over thirty languages. In a letter to his son in 1944, he wrote that he also learned Polish, but could not use it fluently. His linguistic abilities helped him create his fictional languages, which were used by the characters in his novels. [([[|History Collection]])]
 ==== Tolkien Reading Day ==== ==== Tolkien Reading Day ====
-Since 2003, The Tolkien Society has organized Tolkien Reading Day every year on March 25. On this day, group readings of his most important works are organized in many places around the world, special screenings of "The Lord of the Rings" are held in cinemasand on social media, people brag about their libraries and unique items related to the writer. [([[|National Day Calendar]])]+Since 2003, The Tolkien Society has organized Tolkien Reading Day every year on March 25. On this day, group readings of his most important works are organized in many places around the world, special screenings of "The Lord of the Rings" are held in cinemas and people brag on social media about their libraries and unique items related to the writer. [([[|National Day Calendar]])]
 {{tag>people literature myths history}} {{tag>people literature myths history}}
j.r.r._tolkien.1632158127.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/20 12:15 by rapidplatypus