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Over 100,000 different species of flies exist.1)

Horseflies And Mosquitoes

Fly species include horseflies and mosquitoes. These fly species' females consume blood.2)

Even More Diseases

More diseases are carried by urban flies than by those in rural settings.3)

Houseflies Diseases

At least 65 dangerous illnesses, including cholera, leprosy, dysentery, yaws, stomach ulcers, and typhoid fever, can be spread by houseflies.4)

Plenty Of Types Of Bacteria

The housefly and blowfly collectively transport more than 600 distinct bacterial species. 351 different bacterial species are carried by houseflies. About 316 are carried by the blowfly.5)

Fly Vomit

A fly will vomit if it lands on food, such as your meal. To enable the fly to suck up the meal, the vomit's acids disintegrate it.6)


Certain types of flies, including screw flies and botflies, may deposit their eggs in intact skin. The eggs grow up until a fully developed fly emerges from the host's skin.7)


Across 125,000 different types of dipteran, or “real” flies, may be found all over the planet, even in the subarctic and high mountains.8)

Kinds Of Flies

Gnats, midges, mosquitoes, leaf miners, horseflies, houseflies, blowflies, bee flies, and robber flies are all included under the term “fly”.9)

Not Actually Flies

Although dragonflies, caddisflies, and mayflies have wing structures that are distinct from those of real flies, they are not actually recognized to be flies.10)


Adult houseflies have a lifespan of 15 to 25 days. Some people have been known to live up to two months.11)

Female Fly Laying Eggs

In just one month, a female fly may produce up to 2,000 eggs. Only 10 days are needed for the eggs to fully mature. In warm temperatures, their reproductive rate accelerates.12)


The ommatidia—thousands of microscopic lenses—in a fly's eyes. Fly eyes enable them to view in 360 degrees at once.13)

Nematocera And Brachycera

The Nematocera, which contains mosquitoes and non-biting flies, and the Brachycera are the two main groups of flies (which includes houseflies, fruit flies, and horseflies).14)

Housefly Wings

Houseflies only have one set of wings with a membrane, in contrast to other insects. They have less wings on their second set, which they employ for balance.15)

Sensory System

The reason flies fly so near to our faces and hands is because they have a sensory system that helps them locate exposed flesh.16)


Houseflies do not hibernate, although they do spend the winter in a condition of decreased metabolic activity called diapause, which resembles hibernation. They come out in full force when the weather becomes warmer.17)


Female horseflies consume both nectar and blood, in contrast to male horseflies, who only consume nectar. Horseflies will bite humans with their sharp mouthparts, but they prefer feeding on big, dark-colored animals like horses.18)


The brains of fruit flies include roughly 200,000 neurons as well as glia and other supporting cells. A human brain has 86 billion neurons, in contrast. Fruit flies have rudimentary brains, yet those brains are smart enough to perform as much computation as a supercomputer.19)


Fly pollinators and composters are quite essential. In addition, frogs, lizards, spiders, and birds can eat them.20)

Most Active

When the temperature is between 80 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit, flies are at their most active.21)

Fly Sleep

Fly sleep is real. They look for a safe location to sleep before dusk, perhaps behind some leaves, branches, or rocks.22)

Adhesive Hair

A fly's two thick footpads have small sticky hairs with spatula-like points on them. The fly may attach to ceilings thanks to the hair's production of a glue-like material, which also leaves behind tiny, sticky footprints.23)


“Nociception”, a phenomenon unique to flies, especially fruit flies, is a sensation resembling pain. They may continue to feel pain even after an injury has healed.24)


Flies appear to “think” before they take action, and the more complex the decision, the longer the fly appears to “think”.25)

Flies Taste With Feet

This is due to the fact that their lower legs and feet have taste receptors (chemonsensilla). A fly will frequently scurry around after landing on a delectable meal, which might be anything from animal waste to your lunch, in order to sample their subsequent meal before eating it.26)

Flies Defecate A Lot

House flies like to consume liquids for food. They may move their digestive tract extremely swiftly as a result, which causes them to urinate often. House flies may urinate every time they land, even if it's on their next meal, according to a popular belief.27)

Amazing Reaction Time

House flies can comprehend what they observe quickly and respond appropriately. To put things in perspective, a fly can process about 250 pictures in a second compared to human brains, which only process about 60.28)

fly.1673847054.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/15 23:30 by eziothekilla34