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farming [2022/11/23 23:52]
farming [2022/11/24 23:18] (current)
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 The tallest and most massive trees or shrubs may not always produce the most fruit. Controlling plant height allows for more fruit to be produced in less area. Farmers can also alter the form of a tree by pruning branches or coaxing branches to grow in a specific direction. The form of the tree influences its longevity and fruit size.[([[|psu]])] The tallest and most massive trees or shrubs may not always produce the most fruit. Controlling plant height allows for more fruit to be produced in less area. Farmers can also alter the form of a tree by pruning branches or coaxing branches to grow in a specific direction. The form of the tree influences its longevity and fruit size.[([[|psu]])]
 +===== Fertile Crescent =====
 +The Fertile Crescent was the site of the first planned plant sowing and harvesting.[([[|worldhistory]])]
 +===== Alligator Farms =====
 +Alligator meat must be purchased from farms because hunting alligators is illegal in the United States.[([[|captainjacksairboattours]])]
 +===== Guinea Pig Farms =====
 +Peru and other Latin American countries have guinea pig farms. Every year, approximately 65 million guinea pigs are consumed in Peru.[([[|nowthisnews]])]
 +===== CAFO =====
 +The majority of livestock in the United States and other industrialized nations is farmed on vast factory farms known as concentrated animal feeding facilities, or CAFOs. The largest CAFOs hold poultry and may house up to 125,000 hens at any given time.[([[|sentientmedia]])]
 +===== Beef Cattle In USA =====
 +Beef cattle production is the single greatest part of American agriculture. The United States produces the most beef of any country. Every year, around 34 million cows are killed in the United States.[([[|sciencedirect]])]
 +===== Popular Movies About Farming =====
 +Country (1984), The River (1984), Out of Africa (1985), Giant (1956), and The Big Country (1958) are all popular farming films.[([[|imdb]])]
 +===== Millions Of Farms =====
 +The United States has over 2 million farms, although it used to be over 2.2 million.[([[|statista]])]
 +===== Family Farms =====
 +Approximately 98% of farms in the United States are run by families, family partnerships, or family enterprises.[([[|fb]])]
 +===== Bananas =====
 +Bananas are the world's most important fruit crop. They are the fourth greatest crop overall, behind wheat, rice, and corn. India produces the most bananas of any country. The Philippines, China, and Ecuador are the next three largest banana producers.[([[|fao]])]
 +===== More Food With Less Inputs =====
 +Farmers now produce 262% more food while using 2% less inputs (such as seeds, labor, and fertilizer) than they did in 1950.[([[|beckinsurance]])]
 +===== More Food Production =====
 +In 2006, the average American farmer produced enough food to feed 144 people. In 1940, the average farmer produced enough food for 19 additional people (which was close to enough food).[([[|haikudeck]])]
 +===== Employment =====
 +Farming employs over 24 million Americans (17% of the total labor force).[([[|facebook]])]
 +===== Goats =====
 +Many historians believe that goats were the first domesticated animal. Goats are among the cleanest animals. They are far more discriminating feeders than cows, chickens, or even dogs. They will usually refuse to eat food that has been contaminated or has been on the floor or ground.[([[|twitter]])]
 +===== Pigs =====
 +After chimps, dolphins, and elephants, pigs are regarded to be the fourth most intellectual mammal. A sounder is a group of pigs. Pigs can also run at speeds of up to 11 miles per hour, which is quicker than a 6-minute mile.[([[|duncanlandandauction]])]
 +===== Bees And Crops =====
 +Bees pollinate about 100 agricultural crops in the United States. In fact, honeybees are responsible for one out of every three bits of food consumed by humans.[([[|greenpeace]])]
farming.1669269158.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/11/23 23:52 by eziothekilla34