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Exotic Fruits


Also called African cucumber. It is native to the Black Land but also occurs in California, Chile, Australia, and New Zealand. Its aroma is reminiscent of a banana, and its taste of kiwi, melon, and cucumber. Although it is edible, it is usually used as a decoration due to its long shelf life (it can stay for up to 6 months at room temperature). 1)


Passionflower is a plant that grows mainly in the Andes and is a cousin of passion fruit. Its fruits and seeds are very similar to passion fruit but have tougher skin. Granadilla is a rich source of vitamins A, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, E, K as well as phosphorus, iron, and calcium. You split it in half and then use the inside for juice, jams, or ice cream. The granadilla is sweeter than the passion fruit, but not as refreshing. 2)


Carica pentagona is a melon tree and is a natural cross between papaya and toronche trees. It produces an exotic fruit called babaco, which is oblong and shaped like a five-pointed star. The plant grows in the Andean part of Ecuador, although from here it has also made its way to New Zealand. Carica pentagona produces only female fruits, which means they have no seeds. It is an antioxidant and has vitamins A, C, and E. Babaco is considered the fruit of youth because its properties are said to be good for the skin and the aging process. 3)

Lulo or Naranjilla

Lulo or Naranjilla produces fruit that is slightly similar to tomatoes. In Ecuador and Panama it is called naranjilla and in Colombia lulo, is the more common name in the world. The lulo is a very disease-prone plant, which is why it is not grown on a large scale and is not exported as much as other fruits. Naranjilla is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, as well as calcium, iron, phosphorus, fiber, and antioxidants. 4)

Dragon fruit

Yellow pitahaya is also called dragon fruit. It comes from Central America and it is a fruit of cacti, therefore it likes a dry climate. 5)

exotic_fruits.1613035436.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/11 03:23 by aga