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Not The Same As Wolves

Although wolves and coyotes seem similar, they are two very separate animals.1)

Not Pests

Although coyotes are frequently considered pests, they really aid in the reduction of rodent and other harmful animal populations.2)


Coyote parents cooperate to raise their young in both urban and rural coyote populations, which helps to enhance survival rates.3)

Can Be Bred With Dogs And Wolves

Both wolves and dogs may breed with coyotes. For instance, the eastern coyotes, a species of hybrid coyote known as “coywolves” and “coydogs,” possess both wolf and dog DNA.4)

Great Swimmers

Because they can swim well, coyotes have colonized islands and expanded their numbers.5)

coyote.1674202063.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/20 02:07 by eziothekilla34