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Taste like almonds

Bees in their immature stages are eaten by indigenous people in Africa, Asia, Australia, South America, and Mexico. Bee in their egg, larval, or pupal form taste like almonds. 1)

Nocturnal lifestyle

A few groups of mainly tropical bees have independently evolved a nocturnal lifestyle. 2)

1500 eggs a day

Queen bee is groomed and fed at all times. The attention is needed for her to lay eggs. The queen can lay from 600 and up to 1500 eggs each day! 3)

Four wings

To make it easier for a bee to fly, the two wings on the left and the right side of its body, hook together to form one pair. But they unhook when the bee is not flying. It means that bees have four wings in total and not two. 4)

bee.1604998118.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/10 02:48 by aga