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Shanxi Cuisine

Daoxiao Noodles (刀削面)

Shanxi is famous for its knife-cut noodles, known as Daoxiao noodles. These wide, flat noodles are often served in soups or stir-fried dishes. 1)

Sliced Noodles in Soup (刀削面条)

Another popular noodle dish in Shanxi, sliced noodles in soup features long, thin noodles served in a flavorful broth with various toppings such as vegetables and meat. 2)

Shanxi Sliced Noodles with Vinegar and Garlic (山西刀削面拌醋溜蒜泥)

This dish involves Daoxiao noodles tossed in a dressing of vinegar and minced garlic, creating a simple yet flavorful combination. 3)

Liangpi (凉皮)

Liangpi is a cold noodle dish made from wheat or rice flour. It's often served with a variety of toppings and a spicy dressing. 4)

Shanxi Aged Vinegar (陈醋)

The province is known for its high-quality aged vinegar, which adds a distinct and rich flavor to various dishes. 5)

Shanxi Sausages (山西腊肠)

These cured sausages are often air-dried and have a strong, savory flavor. They are used in various dishes or enjoyed on their own. 6)

Shanxi Fried Dough Twists (山西炸麻花)

These crispy and twisted fried dough snacks are often enjoyed as street food or snack. 7)

Guozi (锅贴)

Similar to potstickers, guozi are pan-fried dumplings filled with meat and vegetables. They have a crispy bottom and a juicy interior. 8)

Shanxi Sour Fish Soup (山西酸汤鱼)

This sour and spicy fish soup is a popular dish in Shanxi, featuring fish cooked in a tangy broth with pickled vegetables. 9)

Hui Mian (烩面)

Hui Mian is a noodle soup with hand-pulled noodles served in a rich broth with various toppings such as beef, mushrooms, and vegetables. 10)

Shanxi Cat's Ear Noodles (山西猫耳朵面)

These unique noodles, shaped like cat's ears, are often served in soups or stir-fried dishes. 11)

Shanxi Pork Jiaozi (山西猪肉饺子)

Shanxi-style dumplings are filled with seasoned ground pork and vegetables, often served with a dipping sauce. 12)

Shanxi Crispy Noodles (山西炸酥面)

These crispy noodles are deep-fried until golden brown and are often used as a base for various stir-fried dishes. 13)

Yuci Spiced Beef (蔚县大剌牛肉)

This specialty dish from Yuci County features thinly sliced beef marinated in a mixture of spices and air-dried, resulting in a flavorful and chewy jerky. 14)

Wheat Flour Pancakes (山西擀面皮)

These thin wheat flour pancakes are commonly used as wrappers for various fillings, such as meats and vegetables. 15)