Table of Contents



Chiclephobia is the fear of chewing gum. 1)


Arachibutyrophobia, deriving from the Greek words “arachi” for “peanut” and “butyr” for butter, is the fear of being choked by peanut butter. Specifically speaking, it means a fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. 2)


Alektorophobia is a fear of chickens. Symptoms vary from person to person, but they always include anxiety and are triggered not only when exposed to chickens, but also when thinking about them. 3)


Thalassophobia is a very strong and overwhelming fear of large bodies of water like lakes, seas, and oceans. It shouldn't be mistaken with aquaphobia, which is the fear of water itself.4)


Lepidopterophobia is an excessive and irrational fear of butterflies or moths. 5)


Nomophobia is a condition proposed to be added to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. It is a fear of being away from your phone. It is characterized by feelings of anxiety when you are out of a phone’s range of service or have a dead battery. 6)


Coulrophobia is the unofficial name for the fear of clowns. Despite not being an officially recognized phobia by the World Health Organization yet, coulrophobia is a very real fear for many people.7)


Plutophobia is a fear of money or wealth. People with plutophobia may fear becoming wealthy themselves or have a fear of wealthy people. They generally dread money itself and having to deal with money.8)


Xanthophobia is a fear of the color yellow. People with xanthophobia are usually also afraid of any yellow object, such as school buses and flowers.9)


Sidonglophobia is the fear of cotton balls. People who suffer from this phobia react with panicky fear at the sight of cotton buds and cotton balls. They may have trouble opening a package that is protected by cotton balls, or bubble wrap, or refrain from taking certain medications when they are at risk of being in a package with cotton balls inside. 10)


Athazagoraphobia is the fear of forgetting or being forgotten. This phobia often affects people with diseases where memory loss is observed, such as Alzheimer's, and in the relatives of those people who fear they will be completely forgotten as the disease progresses. It can also develop as a result of being ignored as a child and being left alone for long periods of time. 11)


Chaetophobia is the fear of hair. People who struggle with this phobia avoid places where they might come across “loose” hair. They don't go to the hairdressers, are panic-stricken by the sight of other people's hair, and in some cases, the sight of animal hair is also feared. 12)


Koumpounophobia is the fear of buttons. People with koumpounophobia are panically afraid of buttons and avoid clothes with buttons. One of the hypotheses about the origin of this phobia is the novel “Coraline”, which also lived to see its animated adaptation. It is speculated that Steve Jobs struggled with this phobia and it contributed to the trend for touch screens and virtual keyboards on Apple devices. 13)


Venustraphobia is the fear of beautiful women. A person who suffers from this phobia may experience a panic attack at the mere sight or even thought of a beautiful woman. Possible reasons for developing this type of phobia include the experience of being rejected by an attractive woman (especially if it involved public ridicule), and being around people who have this condition (the son “learns” the fear by watching his father). 14)


Basiphobia is the fear of falling. This type of phobia makes daily life especially difficult because in extreme cases the person suffering from it stops walking and moving. He is then dependent on the care of third parties to meet basic needs. 15)


Papyrophobia is the fear of paper. The characteristic of this phobia is the fear of touching paper, writing on paper, or cutting oneself with it. This phobia is quite rare, and the severity of the anxiety symptoms can vary depending on the type or size of the paper. 16)


Emetophobia is the fear of vomiting. People struggling with emetophobia experience a strong fear of vomiting. They fear the sight of a person vomiting or that they will vomit themselves. This fear is related to the feeling of losing control of one's body while vomiting. Emetophobia is more common in women than in men. 17)


Anthropomorphophobia is the fear of seeing human features in inanimate objects. It may be manifested by a strong fear of objects in which we can see human features, but which are not human, e.g. robots, moving figures and dolls, intelligent animals (e.g. primates). The source of this fear is seen in the development of technology and the changes it may bring to the perception of humanity. 18)


Barophobia is the fear of gravity. A person suffering from fear of gravity avoids watching movies and reading books about space and refrains from thinking about gravity. This phobia is bothersome because it is impossible to escape from gravity. The source of the phobia may be exposure to a movie depicting the negative consequences of gravity or even an aversion to physics as a subject taught in school. 19)


Sidonglophobia is the fear of cotton balls. Sufferers of this phobia react with panicky fear at the sight of cotton buds and cotton balls. They may have trouble opening a package that is protected by cotton balls or bubble wrap or refrains from taking certain medications when there is a risk that they are in a package with cotton wool inside. It is suspected that Michael Jackson suffered from sidonglophobia. 20)


Achondroplasiaphobia is the fear of little people. The word Achondroplasiaphobia is derived from the medical term ‘Achondroplasia’ which is a skeletal disorder of the cartilage that forms during the fetal stage. This condition leads to dwarfism. 21)