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Operation Overlord D-day

Operation Neptune

The Normandy landings were the landing operations of the Allied invasion of Normandy in Operation Overlord during World War II. They were codenamed Operation Neptune and were often referred to as D-Day. It was the most massive seaborne invasion in history.1)


The operation initiated the liberation of Nazi-occupied France and, eventually, Western Europe, and created the groundwork for the Allied triumph on the Western Front. The operation's planning began in 1943.2)

Operation Bodyguard

The Allies staged a significant military deception called Operation Bodyguard in the months running up to the invasion to mislead the Germans about the date and location of the main Allied landings.3)


The weather on D-Day was less than perfect, and the operation had to be postponed for 24 hours. A further postponement would have resulted in a two-week wait because the invasion planners had requirements for the phase of the moon, tides, and time of day, which meant that only a few days each month were deemed suitable.4)

Erwin Rommel Defense

In anticipation of an Allied invasion, Adolf Hitler placed German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel in command of German forces and the development of defenses along the Atlantic Wall.5)

Bombardment And Assault

Extensive aerial and naval bombardment, as well as an airborne assault, preceded the amphibious landings.6)

Arrival After Midnight

The arrival of 24,000 airborne forces from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada just after midnight.7)

French Coast

At 06:30 a.m., Allied infantry and armored units began arriving on the French coast.8)

Five Sectors

The 50-mile (80-kilometer) section of Normandy coast was divided into five sectors. Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, and Sword were among them.9)

Strong Winds

Strong winds blew the landing craft east of their intended destinations, especially in Utah and Omaha.10)

Heavy Fire

The Marines landed under heavy fire from gun emplacements overlooking the beaches, and the shore was mined and littered with impediments like as wooden stakes, metal tripods, and barbed wire, making beach-clearing teams' work tough and deadly.11)

Casualties And Progress

With its high cliffs, Omaha suffered the most casualties. Several defended villages were cleared in house-to-house warfare at Gold, Juno, and Sword, and two important gun emplacements at Gold were crippled using specialised tanks.12)

Failed On The First Day

On the first day, the Allies failed to achieve any of their objectives.13)

Still In German Hands

Carentan, St. Lô, and Bayeux remained in German control, while Caen, a significant objective, was not taken until July 21.14)

Slow Progress

Only two beaches (Juno and Gold) were linked on the first day, and all five beachheads were not linked until June 12th. The operation, however, secured a footing, which the Allies gradually expanded over the next few months.15)


German casualties on D-Day have been reported to range between 4,000 and 9,000 troops. At least 10,000 Allied casualties were reported, with 4,414 confirmed deaths.16)