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Maine Cuisine

Maine's cuisine

Maine's cuisine showcases a delightful blend of fresh seafood, locally sourced ingredients, and unique regional specialties. 1)

Lobster Roll

A quintessential Maine dish, a lobster roll consists of fresh lobster meat mixed with mayonnaise and served in a split-top roll. It's a classic summer treat. 2)

Clam Chowder

Maine is known for its creamy clam chowder, which features tender clams, potatoes, onions, and bacon, all cooked to perfection. 3)


Maine is a major producer of wild blueberries, and these sweet berries find their way into a variety of dishes, from pancakes to desserts. 4)

Whoopie Pies

A popular dessert in Maine, whoopie pies are made by sandwiching a sweet cream filling between two soft chocolate cake-like cookies. 5)


Soft-shell clams, also known as steamers, are a popular seafood choice in Maine. They are often steamed and served with a side of broth for dipping. 6)

Maine Potato Candy

This sweet treat is made from mashed potatoes mixed with sugar and coconut, then formed into bite-sized pieces and often coated in chocolate. 7)


A type of buckwheat pancake, ployes are a traditional Acadian dish and are commonly served with butter and molasses. 8)

Brown Bread

Often baked in a can, brown bread is a steamed bread made with a combination of flour, cornmeal, and molasses. 9)


These tightly coiled, edible shoots of the ostrich fern are a springtime delicacy in Maine. They are often sautéed or used in salads. 10)


A distinctive soda with a unique flavor, Moxie has been the official state beverage of Maine since 2005 and has a loyal following. 11)

Maine Bean Hole Beans

Baked beans cooked in a hole in the ground, this traditional method imparts a smoky flavor to the beans, and it's often associated with outdoor events. 12)

Lobster Stew

A rich and creamy soup made with lobster meat, butter, and milk, lobster stew is a comforting dish enjoyed in Maine. 13)

Maple Syrup

While more associated with Vermont, Maine also produces its own maple syrup, often used as a sweetener in various dishes and desserts. 14)

Lobster Newburg

A classic dish that originated in Maine, Lobster Newburg features lobster meat in a rich, creamy sauce made with eggs, sherry, and brandy. 15)

Red Hot Dogs

A unique local variation, red hot dogs are bright red in color and are often served in a split-top roll with various toppings. 16)