Table of Contents

Jordanian Cuisinie


Mansaf is a traditional Jordanian dish often served on special occasions. It consists of lamb cooked in a yogurt sauce, served with rice and flatbread. 1)


Falafel are deep-fried balls or patties made from ground chickpeas or fava beans, often served in pita bread with vegetables and tahini. 2)


Maqluba, meaning “upside-down,” is a dish made from meat (usually chicken or lamb), rice, and vegetables cooked together and then flipped when served. 3)

Shish Kebab

Shish kebabs are skewers of marinated and grilled meat, often served with rice or flatbread. 4)


Knafeh is a popular dessert made from shredded filo dough layered with sweet cheese or semolina, often soaked in syrup and topped with pistachios. 5)


Musakhan is a dish made from roasted chicken, onions, and sumac, served on flatbread. 6)

Jordanian Salad

A typical Jordanian salad includes ingredients like cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, and parsley, often dressed with olive oil and lemon juice. 7)


Hummus, a beloved Middle Eastern dish, is made from cooked and mashed chickpeas blended with tahini, lemon juice, and garlic, often served with pita bread. 8)

Galayet Bandora

Galayet bandora is a tomato-based stew often served with sautéed onions and flatbread. 9)


Jameed is a fermented and dried yogurt product used in cooking traditional Jordanian dishes like mansaf. 10)


Zarb is a Bedouin-style barbecue where meat and vegetables are cooked in an underground pit heated by hot stones. 11)


Mutabbaq is a savory pastry filled with a mixture of ingredients like meat, cheese, or vegetables, often folded and fried. 12)


Magloobeh, similar to maqluba, is a dish made from meat, rice, and vegetables, often cooked together and flipped when served. 13)

Warak Enab

Warak enab are stuffed grape leaves filled with a mixture of rice, meat, and spices, often served as an appetizer. 14)


Shawarma is a popular street food made from thinly sliced marinated meat, often served in a pita or flatbread with vegetables and sauces. 15)