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Greenlandic Cuisine

Traditional Greenlandic Diet

Greenlandic cuisine is heavily influenced by the local environment, with a focus on seafood, game meat, and foraged plants. 1)

Kalaallit Kaagiat

Kalaallit kaagiat, or Greenlandic soup, is a traditional dish made from seal or whale meat, often mixed with onions, potatoes, and rice. 2)


Mattak is a traditional Inuit delicacy made from whale skin and blubber, often enjoyed raw and considered a delicacy. 3)


Suaasat is a traditional Greenlandic soup made from seal, whale, or reindeer meat, often cooked with potatoes and onions. 4)

Arctic Char

Arctic char is a popular fish in Greenland, often enjoyed grilled, smoked, or raw. 5)


Crowberry, a local berry, is often used to make jams, sauces, and desserts. 6)


Caribou meat is a staple in Greenlandic cuisine, often enjoyed in stews, roasts, and smoked preparations. 7)


Greenlandic cuisine features a wide variety of seafood, including shrimp, crab, and various fish species. 8)

Sushi Greenlandic Style

Sushi made from local ingredients like seal, whale, and fish is a unique Greenlandic twist on this popular dish. 9)


Seaweed is often foraged and used in traditional dishes and snacks in Greenland. 10)

Rock Ptarmigan

Rock ptarmigan, a type of bird, is often hunted for its meat and is a part of traditional Greenlandic cuisine. 11)


Angelica is a plant that's used in Greenlandic cooking, often added to soups and stews for flavor. 12)

Raw Meat

Raw meat, such as seal and whale, is a traditional delicacy and can be enjoyed as tartare-style dishes. 13)

Greenlandic Coffee

Greenlandic coffee is often served with a splash of whiskey or akvavit, making it a warming and traditional drink. 14)

Preserved Foods

Due to the harsh environment, traditional preservation methods like drying and fermenting are commonly used to store food. 15)