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Gansu Cuisine

Lanzhou Beef Noodles (兰州拉面)

Lanzhou Beef Noodles are one of the most famous dishes from Gansu. They feature hand-pulled noodles served in a flavorful beef broth with slices of beef, radishes, and green onions. 1)

Ganba (甘露)

Ganba is a traditional Gansu snack made with barley flour, sugar, and oil. It has a sweet and crunchy texture, often enjoyed as a quick treat. 2)

Liangpi (凉皮)

Liangpi in Gansu is a cold noodle dish made from wheat or rice flour, served with a variety of toppings such as sliced cucumber, bean sprouts, and a spicy and tangy sauce. 3)

Yellow Noodles (黄面)

Yellow Noodles are a type of wheat noodle commonly used in Gansu cuisine. They are often served stir-fried or in soups. 4)

Gansu Mian Pian (甘肃面片)

Mian Pian, or “noodle sheets,” are wide, flat noodles made from wheat flour. They are used in various dishes, such as stir-fries or soups. 5)

Yanguo Ziba (羊肉滋八)

Yanguo Ziba is a traditional dish featuring lamb cooked with various spices, creating a flavorful and aromatic dish. 6)

Qinzhen Baba (秦镇粑粑)

Qinzhen Baba is a type of flatbread made from wheat flour, often stuffed with savory fillings like minced meat or vegetables. 7)

Gansu Yogurt (甘肃酸奶)

Gansu is known for its traditional yogurt, which has a distinct tangy flavor. It is often served with honey or sugar. 8)

Niangpi (酿皮)

Niangpi is a dish made from fermented glutinous rice, often served cold. It has a slightly sweet and tangy flavor. 9)

Chuanchuan Xiang (串串香)

Chuanchuan Xiang is a popular street food in Gansu, featuring skewers of various ingredients like meats, vegetables, and tofu, which are boiled in a spicy broth. 10)

Gansu Donkey Burger (甘肃驴肉火烧)

Donkey meat is used to make burgers in Gansu, where it's seasoned and grilled before being served in a bun. 11)

Youmian Kaorou (油面烤肉)

Youmian Kaorou is a dish where thin noodles are stir-fried with seasoned meat, creating a flavorful and satisfying dish. 12)

Gansu Jiaozi (甘肃饺子)

Gansu-style dumplings are filled with a mixture of minced meat and vegetables, often served with a dipping sauce. 13)

Xiaoyan Doufu (小盐豆腐)

Xiaoyan Doufu is a type of tofu dish, typically served cold and seasoned with soy sauce, vinegar, and garlic. 14)

Gansu Suanmiao (酸苗)

Suanmiao is a traditional Gansu dish featuring pickled vegetables, providing a sour and crunchy element to meals. 15)