Table of Contents


What Is It?

Communism is a political ideology that advocates for the establishment of a classless society where all property is publicly owned and each person works and is compensated according to their abilities and needs.1)

Karl Marx And Friedrich Engels

The concept of communism was first developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in their influential book, “The Communist Manifesto,” published in 1848.2)

Soviet Union

The Soviet Union, under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin, became the world's first communist state after the Russian Revolution in 1917.3)

Core Principles

One of the core principles of communism is the abolition of private property and the means of production, which are instead owned collectively by the community or the state.4)


Communism aims to create a society free from social classes, where wealth and resources are distributed equitably among all members of society.5)

Communist Leader

The most well-known communist leader is Karl Marx, whose ideas heavily influenced the development of communism as a political and economic system.6)

Mao Zedong

The People's Republic of China, led by Mao Zedong, implemented communist principles after the Chinese Communist Party came to power in 1949.7)

Communist Countries

Communism has been practiced in various countries around the world, including Cuba, North Korea, and Vietnam.8)

Economic Planning

The implementation of communism has often been accompanied by central planning and state control over the economy.9)

Cold War

The Cold War was a period of geopolitical tension between communist and capitalist countries, primarily the United States and the Soviet Union, lasting from the late 1940s to the early 1990s.10)

Differences Of Opinions

Some proponents of communism argue that it offers a more equal and fair society, while critics argue that it can lead to authoritarianism, lack of individual freedoms, and economic inefficiencies.11)

Collapse Of Soviet Union

The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 marked a significant event in the history of communism, leading to the end of the Cold War and the transition of many formerly communist countries towards different economic systems.12)

The Decline Of Communism

Despite the decline of communism as a dominant political force, communist parties and ideologies still exist in various countries, albeit with varying degrees of influence.13)

Political Movements And Ideologies

Communism has inspired and influenced other political movements and ideologies, such as socialism and Marxist-Leninism.14)


The legacy of communism continues to shape political debates and discussions around the world, with ongoing debates about its merits, failures, and potential future relevance.15)

Name Origin

The term “communism” is derived from the Latin word “communis,” which means “common” or “shared.”16)


Communism envisions a society where the means of production, including factories, land, and resources, are collectively owned and controlled by the community or the state.17)


The goal of communism is to create a classless society, where everyone has equal access to resources and opportunities, and social hierarchies are eliminated.18)


Communist societies aim to prioritize the needs of the collective over individual interests, emphasizing cooperation and solidarity among members of society.19)

Command Economy

The economic system associated with communism is often referred to as a command economy, where the state or central authority plans and directs economic activities.20)


The idea of communism has roots in ancient philosophical traditions, including Plato's concept of a utopian society and the early Christian notion of communal living.21)


Communism has been a driving force behind significant social and political movements, including labor movements and struggles for workers' rights.22)

State-Controlled Media And Censorship

In some communist states, such as the former Soviet Union and East Germany, there was a state-controlled media and censorship to promote the ruling ideology.23)

Red Army

The Red Army, the military force of the Soviet Union, played a crucial role in spreading communism during the early 20th century and supporting communist revolutions in other countries.24)


The Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, were the revolutionary party that seized power in Russia during the October Revolution of 1917, paving the way for the establishment of a communist state.25)


The Chinese Cultural Revolution, initiated by Mao Zedong in the 1960s, aimed to strengthen communist ideology and eliminate perceived counter-revolutionary elements from Chinese society.26)

Berlin Wall

The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 symbolized the end of the Cold War and the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe.27)


Cuba is known as one of the few remaining communist countries in the world, with the Cuban Revolution led by Fidel Castro establishing a socialist state in 1959.28)

Human Rights

Communist regimes have often faced criticism for their human rights records, with concerns raised about restrictions on freedom of speech, political repression, and suppression of dissenting voices.29)

Not Always Working

Despite its ideological emphasis on equality, some communist regimes have experienced significant income disparities and corruption among party elites.30)