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Arabica and Robusta

The two most well-known grown coffee bean types are C. arabica also known as the Arabian coffee and C. robusta known as Robusta coffee. Robusta is coffee made from beans of the plant Coffea canephora. 1)

Kopi luwak

Kopi luwak is brewed from coffee beans that traveled the gastrointestinal tract of an Asian palm civet and then were pooped out. During the travel, the beans are subjected to a combination of acidic, enzymatic, and fermentation treatment. 2)

Largest coffee producers

The world's largest coffee producers are Brazil, Vietnam, and Colombia. Coffee appeared in Vietnam in the 19th century thanks to French colonists. By the end of the 20th century. Vietnam became the second largest coffee producer in the world after Brazil. In Vietnam mainly Robusta is grown but also Arabica and the world's most expensive coffee - Kopi Luwak. 3)

Ethiopian shepherd boy Kaldi

An old legend about coffee says that it was discovered by a young Ethiopian shepherd boy Kaldi. One day, he noticed that the sheep were behaving very strangely and were excitedly jumping all over the pasture. Kaldi decided to find out the animals' secret - it turned out that they like to eat red fruit from a nearby tree. And so the shepherd learned about coffee, which for the next thousand years became the world's most prized beverage. 4)

Vitamins B2 and B5

Coffee isn't just a great way to get stimulated. It turns out that its beans also have a lot of vitamins. Just one cup of coffee will give you vitamins B2 and B5, as well as niacin, potassium, magnesium, and manganese. In addition, contrary to many myths, reasonable amounts of coffee are not dehydrating. 5)

A fruit

Have you ever wondered what coffee really is? A fruit! Those round, juicy coffee berries look a bit like large cherries. The next time someone tells you that you should eat more fruit, you have your answer ready - I drink at least three cups of coffee every day! 6)

Lower risk of suicide

A large study from 1996 showed a relationship between consumption of coffee and a lower risk of death from suicide in women. 7)

2.25 billion cups of coffee

Worldwide, people consume about 2.25 billion cups of coffee each day. 8)

Coffee consumption

Finland is the country with the highest coffee consumption in the world. 9)

Cream keeps the warmth

Coffee stays warm 20% longer when the cream is added to coffee. 10)

Irish coffee

The Irish mix coffee with whiskey and call it “Irish coffee.” 11)


Italy is the birthplace of espresso and the espresso machine, which has become a favorite all-day drink of Italians. 12)

Coffee ban

Coffee was banned in Mecca in 1511. It was believed to stimulate radical thinking and idleness. 13)

Coffee snack

Before humans learned to brew coffee, East African tribes mixed coffee berries with animal fat and consumed it as food. 14)

Caffeine overdose

A life-threatening caffeine overdose is extremely rare, but it is possible. According to a 2018 medical review, most deaths are accidental, and the culprit is over-the-counter drugs, not drinks. 15)

Coffee ship

Brazil could not afford to send its athletes to Los Angeles for the 1932 Olympics, so the government loaded them on a ship full of coffee. 16)


Scientists have had great success converting coffee into biodiesel. Perhaps one day you will be able to fuel your car with coffee. 17)

Beethoven's 60 grain coffee

It is said that Beethoven was such an avid coffee lover that he counted 60 beans per cup before brewing.18)