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Cattle Decapitation


Cattle Decapitation is an American deathgrind band formed in 1996 in San Diego, California. 1)


The band's music combines elements of death metal, grindcore, and deathgrind.2)


Cattle Decapitation's lyrics often focus on animal rights, environmentalism, and societal issues.3)

Vocal Styles

Vocalist Travis Ryan is known for his wide range of vocal styles, including guttural growls, high-pitched shrieks, and melodic singing.4)

Band's Name

The band's name, Cattle Decapitation, reflects their lyrical themes and is meant to symbolize the mass slaughter of animals for human consumption.5)


Cattle Decapitation's debut album, “Homovore,” was released in 2000 and showcased their brutal and technical sound.6)

Lineup Changes

The band's lineup has gone through several changes over the years, with Travis Ryan being the only consistent member.7)

Monolith of Inhumanity

Cattle Decapitation's album “Monolith of Inhumanity” (2012) received critical acclaim and is often considered a landmark release in extreme metal.8)


The band's 2004 album, “Humanure,” features cover artwork depicting a cow defecating human remains, reflecting their stance on factory farming.9)

Dystopian View Of The World

Cattle Decapitation's lyrics often present a bleak and dystopian view of the world, criticizing humanity's destructive impact on the planet.10)

The Anthropocene Extinction

The band's album “The Anthropocene Extinction” (2015) reached number 41 on the Billboard 200 chart, their highest-charting release at the time.11)

Music Videos

Cattle Decapitation's music videos often feature graphic and disturbing imagery, serving as a visual representation of their lyrical content.12)

Death Atlas

In 2019, the band released their album “Death Atlas,” which delves into themes of ecological collapse and the impending doom of humanity.13)


Cattle Decapitation has toured extensively, sharing the stage with notable bands such as Cannibal Corpse, Dying Fetus, and Suffocation.14)


Cattle Decapitation's album “Karma.Bloody.Karma” (2006) features a guest appearance by Joey Karam of The Locust, adding saxophone to the band's sound.15)


Despite their extreme musical style, Cattle Decapitation has gained a dedicated fanbase and received recognition from metal fans worldwide.16)

The Harvest Floor

The band's album “The Harvest Floor” (2009) includes a song called “Regret and the Grave,” which features guest vocals by Ross Sewage of Impaled.17)

To Serve Man

Cattle Decapitation's album “To Serve Man” (2002) received mixed reviews upon its release but has since become a cult favorite among fans.18)

Travis Ryan

Travis Ryan has been praised for his lyrical and vocal abilities, often recognized as one of the most talented and versatile vocalists in extreme metal.19)

Brutal And Relentless

Cattle Decapitation's music has been described as “brutal” and “relentless,” combining fast and technical riffing with crushing rhythms.20)

Music Videos

Cattle Decapitation has released several music videos, including “Forced Gender Reassignment,” “Your Disposal,” and “The Prophets of Loss.”21)

The Anthropocene Extinction Anselmo

Cattle Decapitation's album “The Anthropocene Extinction” features a guest appearance by Philip H. Anselmo of Pantera and Down.22)


The band's music has been praised for its technicality, incorporating intricate guitar riffs, complex drum patterns, and precise bass lines.23)

Dave Otero

Cattle Decapitation's album “Death Atlas” was produced by Dave Otero, known for his work with bands like Cephalic Carnage and Archspire.24)

Special Releases

The band has released a series of limited-edition vinyl releases, including special editions of their albums with unique artwork and color variants.25)


Cattle Decapitation's album “Humanure” features a hidden track called “Cream of the Crop,” a sarcastic and humorous take on pop music.26)

Chunk Blower

The band's album “Karma.Bloody.Karma” includes a re-recording of their song “Chunk Blower” from their early demo tapes.27)

Atmosphere And Ambience

Cattle Decapitation's music often incorporates atmospheric and ambient elements, adding depth and variety to their sound.28)


Cattle Decapitation's music has been praised for its production quality, with each instrument and vocal track being clear and distinct.29)

Laure Le Prunenec

The band's album “Death Atlas” features a guest appearance by Laure Le Prunenec of Igorrr on the song “The Unerasable Past.”30)