Table of Contents


What Is It?

Capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership of the means of production and distribution of goods and services. 1)

Louis Blanc

The term “capitalism” was first used by French socialist Louis Blanc in 1850. 2)

Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries led to the rise of capitalism. 3)


Capitalism has been criticized for promoting income inequality and social stratification. 4)

Wealthiest 1%

The wealthiest 1% of the global population owns more than half of the world’s wealth. 5)


Capitalism has been praised for promoting innovation and technological progress. 6)

Epitome Of Capitalist Society

The United States is often seen as the epitome of capitalist society. 7)

Climate Change

Capitalism has been blamed for causing environmental degradation and climate change. 8)

2008-2009 Financial Crisis

The global financial crisis of 2008-2009 was seen by many as a failure of capitalism. 9)


Some economists argue that capitalism is inherently unstable and prone to crises. 10)

Invisible Hand

The “invisible hand” concept, which asserts that the pursuit of self-interest by individuals in a market economy leads to overall social benefits, was popularized by economist Adam Smith in his book “The Wealth of Nations”. 11)

Consumerism And Materialism

Capitalism has been criticized for promoting consumerism and materialism at the expense of social and spiritual values. 12)

Capitalism Over Communism

The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 marked the end of the Cold War and the triumph of capitalism over communism. 13)

Corporate Power

The rise of multinational corporations has led to the concentration of economic power in the hands of a few large companies. 14)


Capitalism has been blamed for promoting individualism and undermining community values. 15)


The “trickle-down” theory, which holds that economic growth benefits everyone in society, has been widely criticized as a myth. 16)

Short-Term Thinking

Capitalism has been criticized for promoting short-term thinking and neglecting long-term societal goals. 17)

Sharing Economy And Gig Economy

The “sharing economy” and “gig economy” are new forms of capitalism that rely on technology to connect individuals with goods and services. 18)

COVID-19 Exposition

The global COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the vulnerabilities of capitalist societies and highlighted the need for social safety nets. 19)

Post-Capitalist Society

Some economists argue that a “post-capitalist” society is emerging, in which economic activity is based on sharing and cooperation rather than competition and profit. 20)

Conscious Capitalism

The concept of “conscious capitalism” promotes the idea that businesses should pursue both profits and social and environmental benefits. 21)

Income Inequality

The rise of income inequality in capitalist societies has led to calls for a redistribution of wealth through progressive taxation and social welfare programs. 22)

Winner-Takes-All Mentality

Capitalism has been criticized for promoting a “winner-takes-all” mentality and undermining social mobility. 23)

Universal Basic Income

The idea of a universal basic income, which would provide all citizens with a minimum level of income regardless of their work status, has gained popularity in recent years as a potential solution to the challenges of capitalism. 24)

AI And Automation

The rise of automation and artificial intelligence has raised concerns about the future of work in capitalist societies. 25)

Green Economy

The “green economy” is a new form of capitalism that seeks to promote sustainable economic growth and protect the environment. 26)

Greed And Selfishness

Capitalism has been criticized for promoting a culture of greed and selfishness. 27)

Social Entrepreneurship

The rise of social entrepreneurship, which combines business with social and environmental goals, is challenging traditional notions of capitalism. 28)

Stakeholder Capitalism

The concept of “stakeholder capitalism” holds that businesses should consider the interests of all stakeholders, including employees, customers, and the environment, rather than just maximizing shareholder value. 29)

Uncertain Future

The future of capitalism is uncertain, with some predicting continued growth and innovation while others foresee instability and potential crises. 30)

Advancements In Technology

Capitalism has contributed to significant advancements in technology, such as the development of the steam engine, electricity, and the internet.31)

Fraser Institute Study

According to a study by the Fraser Institute, countries with higher levels of economic freedom, often associated with capitalism, tend to have higher per capita income and better social outcomes.32)

Entrepreneurs And Risks

In a capitalist system, entrepreneurs take on risks and invest capital in businesses, driving economic growth and job creation.33)

Middle Class

Capitalism has been associated with the development of the middle class, as it provides opportunities for upward social mobility and wealth accumulation.34)

Specialization And Division

Capitalism encourages specialization and division of labor, leading to increased productivity and efficiency in the production of goods and services.35)

Industrial Revolution And Changes

The Industrial Revolution, fueled by capitalism, brought about significant changes in manufacturing, transportation, and agriculture, leading to urbanization and economic transformation.36)

Economic Competition

Capitalism promotes economic competition, which can drive companies to improve product quality and lower prices to attract consumers.37)

Consumer Rights And Protections

Capitalism has led to the development of consumer rights and protections, as governments intervene to ensure fair business practices and prevent exploitation. 38)

Free Market

While capitalism has been associated with free markets, it also requires a legal framework and institutions to enforce contracts, protect property rights, and regulate business activities. 39)

Various Forms

Capitalism has been adopted in various forms around the world, including laissez-faire capitalism, state capitalism, and mixed economies. 40)

Great Depression

The Great Depression in the 1930s led to increased skepticism of unfettered capitalism, resulting in the adoption of Keynesian economics and increased government intervention in the economy.41)


Capitalism has facilitated globalization by enabling the free flow of goods, services, and capital across national borders.42)


Some proponents of capitalism argue that it promotes individual freedom and autonomy by allowing individuals to make choices based on their preferences and self-interest.43)