Table of Contents


The 60-system in astronomy

The Sumerians and Babylonians used the 60-system in astronomy. This system is still used today, as evidenced by the notation of the time as 8:30 rather than 8.5. 1)

The Hanging Gardens

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are one of the more interesting wonders of the ancient world. This is evidenced by the fact that although the hanging gardens have captured the imagination of the world for over 2000 years, today we have no evidence that they even existed. Not a single one of the ancient documents of Babylon (now the site of Iraq) mentions hanging gardens. Even though archaeologists have excavated the city, no trace of their existence has been found. 2)

The Code of Hammurabi

The Code of Hammurabi was one of the earliest and most influential recorded sets of laws. This well-preserved code of laws of ancient Mesopotamia dates to about 1754 BC. 3)

Capturing Babylon without a fight

In 538 BC Cyrus, the king of Persia, captured Babylon without a fight. He changed the course of the Euphrates River and led his troops through the dry riverbed into the empty and open city. 4)


The most important god of the Babylonian pantheon was Marduk. He patronized magic, wisdom, water, and judgment. The month of Arashamnu and the number 10 were dedicated to him. 5)


The Sumerians were the first creators of a highly developed ancient civilization. Babylonia lay in the territories belonging to the Sumerian state. After the collapse of the Sumerian country, Babylonia became a separate state. 6)


Ancient Babylon lay on a fertile plain. It was surrounded by massive walls and a moat. 7)


Babylon was a very religious city. The Babylonians worshipped many gods, there were as many as 50 temples dedicated to various deities. 8)


The Babylonians believed in an afterlife. This thought has been adopted in many religions we know. 9)

Ishtar Gate

One of Babylon's most famous monuments was the Ishtar Gate, dedicated to the goddess Ishtar. Today, reconstructions of it can be found in Berlin and Iraq. 10)


Every young woman was expected to give herself to a stranger in a temple at least once in her life. It's not entirely clear whether it was already married women or maidens just before marriage. 11)

King Nabonidus

King Nabonidus took a liking to Sin, the moon god. He even converted Marduk's temples into places of worship for his divine favorite. 12)

The fall of Babylon

The fall of Babylon was predicted by the prophet Isaiah. 13)


In 689 BC, as a result of rebellions in the city, Sennacherib, one of Tiglath-Pileser III's successors, ordered troops to capture and sack Babylon by murdering its inhabitants and setting fire to the city. 14)

Capital of universal monarchy

In 323 B.C. Alexander the Great died. He intended to make Babylon the capital of his universal monarchy. 15)

Great Whore of Babylon

In the book of Revelation in the Bible, there is a symbolic figure of the Great Whore of Babylon, who was the personification of corruption, sell-out, and evil. 16)

First mention

The first mention of Babylon dates back to the 23rd century BC. It is known to have housed the ensi, or administrators of a small province. 17)