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Animal Records

The best sense of smell

Bears have the best sense of smell. The number of receptors in a bear's nose is seven times higher than in a dog's and about 100 times higher than in a human's. There are known cases of polar bears going after prey from a huge distance. 1)

The largest cats

A liger is a cross between a male lion and a female tiger. Tigers are the largest known cats, reaching over 880 pounds. Interestingly, tigons (a cross between a male tiger and a female lion) do not grow like liger cats. 2)

The longest pregnancy

Elephants have the longest pregnancy of any mammal. Pregnancy in elephants lasts about two years. This is longer than pregnancy in whales (16 months) and camels (15 months). 3)

The largest eyes

The giant squid has the largest eyes of any animal (except perhaps anecdotal colossal squid), up to 10 inches in diameter. The large eyes allow them to better perceive the sparse light of the deep, including bioluminescent light emitted by living organisms. 4)

The largest wingspan

The wandering albatross has the largest wingspan. The largest albatrosses can reach a wingspan of 11 ft 6 in, while condors and marabouts have a wingspan of about 9 ft 5 in. Albatrosses spend most of their lives in flight, landing only for food or breeding. 5)

Ugliest fish

The ugliest fish is Psychrolutes marcidus, a species of scorpion fish in the family Psychrolutidae, which lives in deep waters off the coast of Australia and Tasmania. Due to the lack of access to its habitat, humans rarely see it. 6)

Longest feathers

The longest feathers of any bird are those of the Japanese onagadori cockatoo - tail feathers can reach a length of more than 10 meters. 7)

Strongest insect

The world's strongest insect is the species of horned dung beetle - with a body size of up to 5 cm, it can lift 1,141 times its own body weight. 8)

Largest anuran amphibian

The largest anuran amphibian is the goliath frog (Conrana goliath), an anuran amphibian living in Cameroon, reaching up to 40 cm in length and over 3 kg in weight. 9)

Biggest amphibian

The largest anuran amphibian is the goliath frog (Conraua goliath), an anuran amphibian living in Cameroon, reaching up to 40 cm in length and over 3 kg in weight. 10)

Largest predator in the America

The largest predator in the Americas is the alligator of the Orinoco (South America). Males in favorable conditions can grow up to 7 meters in length. 11)

Largest dog

The world's largest dog was Giant George from Arizona born in 2005 and belonged to the German dog breed. He measured 1 meter and 9 cm at the withers, that is, from shoulder blades to the ground, 2 meters and 20 cm from the nose to the end of the tail, and weighed 111 kg. The dog lived for 7 years. 12)

Largest land animal

The world's largest land mammal in the world is the African elephant. It reaches up to 7.5 meters in length and 5 tons in weight. 13)

Longest insect

The longest insect in the world is a stick insect from Madagascar. Its length reaches 40 cm. 14)

Pickiest animal

The pickiest animal is the koala because it feeds only on eucalyptus leaves. 15)

Smallest chameleon

The world's smallest chameleon is Brookesia Micra found in Madagascar. It was discovered between 2003 and 2007 and formally described in 2012. 16)